Are you ready to fall in love with a new book?
Madame is so excited that THE ROYAL RUNAWAY is finally out in the world so you can be as obsessed with it as she is. It has everything we like: royal gossip, fierce princesses, history, intrigue, hot Scots, kissing and dead bodies! Lindsay Emory’s voice is a force unto itself and her world-building in this book is a masterclass in creative expression and a wildly imaginative love of history. Madame is so excited about this book that we created a giveaway!
Enter 👑 THE ROYAL GIVEAWAY 👑 and you can win a special package including paperbacks of THE ROYAL RUNAWAY & Madame’s KING OF THE SEA, plus a notebook and a Princess Diana commemorative fashion postcard pack, which Madame picked up at the Kensington Palace gift shop last summer on her pilgrimage to see the exhibit of Diana’s dresses.
Read more about The Royal Runaway.